I have Hawaiian in my veins & the 808 always in my heart. Born & raised footprints away from the water, my heart will always remain lost at sea. I spend days at the beach thinking...and from there... Sometimes when I think so much about one thing, it becomes some sort of an abstraction creating more thoughts with more solutions then one can imagine. Usually I engage in such deep thinking that I am always on a quest to find the perfect answer, when in reality there is no exact answer to life’s thoughts. It’s the gift of being able to dream that makes life interesting. Everything that we have been through and every lesson we have learned along the way is what makes our dreams grow. We sleep to dream. We envision certain things that we can’t see with our eyes open because we are blinded from influences other then our own. The bigger we dream and the closer we get to each dream the more we realize how the quest to find the perfect answer to our thought’s is rockier then we had thought. When we search for our dreams we are rewarded just as much as we suffer. I learned that God isn’t waiting for me to do something big in my life. God instead is watching every little thing I do. I've learned that it's the little things on the daily that make life beautiful and meaningful. It is the little things that make up our lives. It is the things that we appreciate more as we grow older and we put and find our love. I am writing my own story from thoughts to dreams and eventually reality. You learn to live reality and one day reality will be better then your dreams. I've learned that you never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back. Without certain people in my life, I wouldn't be able to be where I'm at today. I've grown through many experiences, but I think the worst ones are the ones I have benefited from.KahealaniHonda.

The Little Things...

Everyday we take for granted the beauty of everything around us. We pass up the rising sun, the gentle breeze, the shining sun, the green trees, the blue skies, the ocean, the birds, the bees, a drizzle, the sunset, and even sometimes the simplest smile. God gave us these wonderful gifts as a simple gesture to relieve us from the stresses or the craziness of our lives. I myself sometimes overlook at what God has put in front of me and fall short in appreciating the many blessings he has surrounded me with on a daily basis.
I sometimes complain about the chirping of birds or the bright sun shining in my room early in the morning, but really God is just letting me know it's a new day that shouldn't be wasted in bed. Whenever it rains, I fuss for the sun to come out, but really God's just giving me the opportunity to relax and give me a break from doing too much. When you're frustrated and late to work or even in a traffic jam and all you want to do is complain, God only wants you to look at the your surroundings and notice the sky above and the green he has put around you. When I can't go in the ocean because of the rough water, God is only letting me know his power and to enjoy the sun on the sand. When I misplace something, God is only helping me open my eyes to other things that I haven't payed attention to our focused on in a while. God doesn't leave us in the dust. God gives us never ending opportunities to help us in our daily lives and with his gifts we are able to see and appreciate more of life.

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